20 February 2008


Since last year, I talked over the phone about numbers of congresses, with a Datuk. He has a very nice deep voice and I can tell he really keep himself posted because he can remember every detail I told him about my sons and everything. Just now, I met him. *wink* *wink* Mr. Nice Voice :o)

What I learn from him is I need to remember every single detail about anyone I deal with. PR skill is important. Jot down everything they said. Get to know their personal life a bit and ask them about it (How’s your baby? He already starts on solid food? How’s your allergy? etc) whenever I get a chance. They will really appreciate that. I know I do :p

My bosses approved my two days off. Thank God. Now I can have a break.

When I’ll be a boss someday : I will approve my staff’s day off because they applied it for a reason. They have the right to take days off. I will not deny their rights.

I am free a bit today but I have bundle of letters to be checked. I don’t know where to start and that’s really trouble me. Seems like I work more efficient when I’m in tense condition.

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